Tutorial for creating an ODBC connection with SQLServer.

To create an ODBC connection with SQLServer, follow these procedures:


1. Go to Control Panel:

2. Access Administrative Tools:

3. Access Data Sources (ODBC):

4. On User DSN tab, create a connection with the desired SQLServer desejado. To do so, click Add:

5.On the open window, select SLQ Server and click Finish:

6. On the new window, provide an arbitrary new name and connection, then select the SQL Server (local or via network), and click Finish:

7. On the next window, select the authentication verification mode of SQLServer logon. This mode must be the same configured at SQLServer’s installation. Then, click Next:

8. On the next window, enable Change the default database to: option and select the connection previously created (in this case, “SCADA”).Then click Next:

9. Keep the default options on the last window and then finish the process:

10.  Finally, you can test the connection created with SQLServer by clicking Test Data Source:

11. The following message will be displayed:


1. With the application loaded in Elipse SCADA, open the Organizer (Alt + O), go to DataBases, and click New:

2. Select Use ODBC Connection:

3. Select the connection created (in this case, “SCADA”), and insert the login data:

4. Finally, select the desired table in SQLServer:

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