LogMaker Library.

The LogMaker Library is a simple tool for creating application logs. By using scripts or links, you can record any action performed in the supervisory in a text file.

To use it, follow these procedures:

  1. Add the library to the domain.
  2. Insert a LogMaker XObject into a data folder in the application.
  3. At LogPath property of the inserted object, set up the path where the file text will be created. For example: C:\Temp\Elipse_log.txt
  4. To insert a new line in the log, just write the desired text at the object’s Text property. This can be done via scripts or links (with a Setpoint, at a button’s script, etc).
  5. To log a timestamp in the logs records, set up LogTimeStamp property as TRUE.
  6. To reset the log, set up ResetLog property as TRUE: Application.GetObject(“Data.LogMaker1”).ResetLog = TRUE

The LogMaker library attached to this article was developed with Elipse E3 version 3.2 build 260.


LogMakerLib v1.0.zip

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