Library that exports E3Browser content to Excel.


The Export Library is a very simple tool, developed to facilitate the direct export of an E3Browser content to Excel format.

To use this tool, follow these steps:

  1. Save the attached .lib file to your computer (preferably to the application folder).
  2. In E3 Studio, add the library to your Domain.Via File menu, go to Open Project, select Export.lib file, and then click Yes to include it in the Active domain.
  3. Insert an Export_Button object on the Screen.
  4. Set, in the Source property, the E3Browser object. Right-click the added object, go to Properties, then Links tab, and point to the desired E3Browser object for the Source property via AppBrowser.
  5. After linking it, click the Export_Button object, point to the place it will be saved, and indicate whether it will be opened immediately or not.

Now you have a simple tool, which will export the content of a selected E3Browser to an Excel format directly.

This library was developed in E3 v3.2 b260.


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