KB-57884: Error when importing symbols using Beckhoff TwinCAT Driver.


When importing symbols during setup, the driver returns the following error message: “WARNING: The number of variables to import will exceed the maximum number supported. Delete at least “XXXXX” entries and then try again. This operation will be aborted”. Why does this happen?


This happens because this driver’s limit for symbol import is 20,000 variables.  This error indicates the import procedure has returned a value higher than 20,000 variables, thus automatically blocking this process.

There are two possible solutions for this:

1. Check the existence of *.SYM file lines that can be deleted, such as redundant variables, for example. This can help decrease the number of variables initially sent to a number that does not violate the driver’s limits.

2. Import all the variables manually, which will allow you to import them without any restrictions.

If you are still not able to discard enough variables to allow the import, please contact your local technical support.

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