In an application developed in two different languages (English and Portuguese, for example), the alarm messages are saved in both languages. How can I sort these messages out, and then display only the messages in the selected language when printing the report?
First you must save both messages individually, via a separator. In this article, we use a high temperature alarm which will be recorded as a record in the database as “Temperatura Alta /// High Temperature”. By using VBScript’s Split function in the Report’s OnFormat event, we can search for this separator, which in this case is ” /// “, and show only the message in the desired language.
Sub OnFormat arrmsg = Split(Report.Sections("Detail").Controls("Field3").Text , " /// ") if Application.GetFrame().Screen.Item("OptionButtonPT").Value then Report.Sections("Detail").Controls("Field3").Text = arrmsg(1) elseif Application.GetFrame().Screen.Item("OptionButtonEN").Value then Report.Sections("Detail").Controls("Field3").Text = arrmsg(0) end if End Sub
NOTE: Attached do this article is a sample application using this function.