KB-49136: Filtering alarms in multiple areas in E3Browser.


Can I set up an alarm filter for multiple areas and via Acked field simultaneously in an E3Broswer?


Yes, you can. To set up this filter, you must select an alarm table in E3Browser, and then enable SQL’s direct edition on Query’s SQL tab.

You must create a variable for each Alarm area in the application. When you want the area to be displayed, the name of the desired area will be loaded into the variable; when you don’t want it to be displayed, either a different value or a null value will be inserted.

The SQL code below has three variables, therefore three alarm areas:

SELECT Alarms.E3TimeStamp, Alarms.Acked, Alarms.Area, Alarms.Message, Alarms.FullAlarmSourceName, Alarms.ConditionActive
FROM Alarms
WHERE ((Alarms.area = ‘<%VarFilter1%>‘) OR (Alarms.area = ‘<%VarFilter2%>‘) OR (Alarms.area = ‘<%VarFilter3%>‘)) AND (Alarms.Acked  LIKE  ‘<%FiltroAck%>‘)
ORDER BY Alarms.E3TimeStamp  ASC

VarFiltro and FiltroAck variables’ declaration respects the syntax of a string-type declaration.

Attached to this article is a sample application developed with E3 v. 3.5 b. 352.




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