How to add a BarCode to the Section Report.


Can I add a BarCode to Elipse E3‘s Section Report?


Yes. To do so, add the name of a report query field to the BarCode object’s Text property.

Alternatively, you can add an application’s tag to the BarCode’s Text property. To do so, use E3ApplicationLink, an object that is available via scripts in the Section Report. Example:

  1. Sub ActiveReport_ReportStart
  2. 'This script is required for using properly E3Chart's controls
  3. 'If you want to access the application's data, use the Application object seen below
  4. dim Application = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Reports.E3ApplicationLink"))
  5. Application.LinkWithApplication(rpt)
  6. 'msgbox (Application.GetServerValue("Dados.barcode"),,"BarCode")
  7. me.Barcode1.Text = Application.GetServerValue("Dados.barcode")
  8. End Sub
Sub ActiveReport_ReportStart
'This script is required for using properly E3Chart's controls 
'If you want to access the application's data, use the Application object seen below 

dim Application = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Reports.E3ApplicationLink"))

'msgbox (Application.GetServerValue("Dados.barcode"),,"BarCode")
me.Barcode1.Text = Application.GetServerValue("Dados.barcode") 	

End Sub



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