ElipseX’s CustomConfig.

What is this?

CustomConfig is a new resource, that has been present in Elipse E3 since version 3.2. It allows you to create wizards to configure ElipseX instances inside E3Studio.

A configuration option will be displayed at the ElipseX instances’s menus whenever there is a script linked to CustomConfig event. This event will fire when the option is selected in the menu.

The text displayed in the menu option can be informed at the ElipseX’s CustomConfigText property. If this property is blank, the text Configure will be displayed.

How can I use it?

First, you must create an XControl inside your library. It will display a new property, called CustomConfigText, which can be accessed via Organizer. This property sets up the text in the menu item.

Then, you must create a script in XControl‘s OnCustomConfig event. There, you can create links, set up properties, etc. You can do this with an InputBox, or even with other VBScript techniques.

To see this resource, please check the demo application attached to this article, developed with Elipse E3 version 3.2 build 245.



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