KB-30689: Limiting a button’s visibility to two user groups.
Guilherme Taschetto
Guilherme Taschetto
Paula Eneas
Renato Souza, Délio Damin
Question: Can E3Viewer‘s and E3Server‘s versions be displayed on a screen in the application? Solution: Yes. To do so, just use VBScript’s GetFileVersion() method to read the versions of E3Server.exe…
Attached to this article is a sample application illustrating how to use the following VBScript’s functions: MsgBox Input Abs Sgn Array Asc Now FormatDateTime Data SelectMenu Chr Date Time Attachments:…
The attached sample application illustrates how to add items to a two-column ListBox, as well as how to scan these items via a script in another object. To add the…
Guilherme Taschetto
Question: How can I create a script that checks whether a certain file exists in a specific folder? Solution: To do so, you can use a script similar to the…
Question: How can I run a script whenever the domain starts? Solution: To do so, you must insert the script into a server object, since all server objects belong to…
Question: How can I open a modal screen by using a button? Solution: To do so, follow these procedures: Insert a button onto screen and access its Scripts tab. On…