KB-30056: Displaying a message when the login is incorrect.
Question: How can I display a message when the login is incorrect? Solution: To do so, you must use a script that tests if the Application’s useName attribute contains any…
Question: How can I display a message when the login is incorrect? Solution: To do so, you must use a script that tests if the Application’s useName attribute contains any…
Question: On an application, WriteToFile() command is being used to write values in a TXT file, but it is not writing in a new line. How can I fix the…
Question: Is it possible to change the default font of a Text object on SCADA? Solution: No, it is not, because this is hard-coded on SCADA. So, you must change…
Question: How can I break a line on a MessageBox? Solution: To do so, you must write a script using the Chr() function. For example: MessageBox(“phrase line 1″+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+”phrase line 2”…
Question: How can I set up the number of hardkey detection retries in Elipse SCADA? Solution: To do so, follow these procedures: Access File menu. Click Options. In Protection Mechanism,…
Question: How can I read a one-line TXT file with a number in it? Solution: To do so, you must use the ReadFromFile() method. For example: dim var, tst var…
Question: How can I view the Driver’s status? Solution: To do so, you must create a tag and configure its parameters as N1=-1, N2=0, N3=0 and N4=2, or import a…
Question: What is the name of the folder that must be created for logs generated in Elipse SCADA? Solution: The name of the folder to be created in the hard…
Question: How can I write more than one line on an object’s description (be it by using Chr(10), Chr(13), etc.)? Solution: It is not possible to write more than one…
Question: How can I set up a PLC tag’s value to be divided by 10? Solution: To do so, you must enable the tag’s Scaling. The other settings must be:…