KB-33227: Setting up an initial message in a ComboBox.
Question: How can I set a ComboBox to display an initial message? Solution: To do so, just write the desired message in ComboBox’s Value property.
Question: How can I set a ComboBox to display an initial message? Solution: To do so, just write the desired message in ComboBox’s Value property.
Question: How can I type text in a button? Solution: To do so, just select the button at E3Studio and write the text in its Caption property.
Question: How can I create an animation with several figures? Solution: To do so, go to E3Studio and follow these procedures: Insert the figures into Resources. Rename those figures, removing…
Paula Eneas
Question: Can I change a SetPoint into a Display, and vice versa? Solution: Text, Display, and SetPoint are all the same object, named DrawString. The initial settings of some of…
Question: How can I invert figures in E3? Solution: To do so, follow these procedures: Right-click the figure and select the Convert to Symbol option. Right-click again the figure and…
Question: How can I set up a TextBox object to allow only numeric values? Solution: To do so, you must write a script in the TextObject’s Change event. For example:…
Question: How can I proportionally increase the size of a screen object (via E3Studio)? Solution: To do so, you must hold the Shift key, click the object’s diagonal corner and…
Question: How can I create an analog clock using objects from E3? Solution: To do so, you must use Ellipse and Line objects to draw the clock. In the Lines…
Question: How can I show the status of the link between E3 and a PLC in a Display on screen? Solution: To do so, you must insert the IOKit folder’s…