Basic VBScript for Elipse E3: Lesson 3 – Decision Commands

Command If…Else…ElseIf…End If

This command allows taking decisions during a script’s execution. The syntax is the following:

If condition Then
code that will be executed if the condition is true.
code that will be executed if the condition is NOT true.
End if


If Engine=0 Then
    Text=”Engine off”
    Text=”Engine on”
End if
More than one condition can be verified in the same command:

If Then
    code that will be executed if condition1 is true.
Elseif Then
    code that will be executed if condition2 is true.
Elseif <condition3> Then
    code that will be executed if condition3 is true.
    code that will be executed if none of the conditions is true.
End if


If Engines=0 then
    Text=”Engines off”
Elseif Engines=1 then
    Text=”Engine 1 on”
Elseif Engines=2 then
    Text=”Engine 2 on”
Elseif Engines=3 then
    Text=”Engines 1 and 2 on”
    Text=”Status error. Check the engines”
End if

1. Write the code for the following dialog boxes and display on a second message the user’s answer [(Yes or No) and (Retry or Cancel)].

Figure 9
Figure 10

2. Create a setpoint that only allows typing values.
3. By changing setpoint’s value, modify a rectangle’s color by script, according to the chart below. For any value that is not in the chart, the rectangle should be black.

 Minimum  Maximum Color
 0  10  Blue
 10  50  Green
 50  70  Yellow
 70  100  Red

Select Case Command

This command executes one chosen case among several instructions groups. The syntax is:

Select Case
End Select


Select Case Engines
Case 0
    Text=”Engines off”
Case 1
    Text=”Engine 1 on”
Case 2
    Text=”Engine 2 on”
Case 3
    Text=”Engines 1 and 2 on”
Case else
    Text=”Status Error. Verify the engines”
End select


4. Insert two screens in your application.
5. Create a menu with the name of all the screens, using SelectMenu method from the E3 Viewer.
6. By clicking on screen’s name on the menu, open the selected screen.


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