KB-28816: By-date-and-time filter in historic data displayed in the Browser.


How can I create a By-date-and-time filter in the historic data and then display its result on screen?


To do so, create two RAM tags and insert the initial date in one and the final date in the other.Then, in the button that will perform the Browser’s Query (UpdateQuery), set the date properties, extracting them from the complete date saved in the RAM tags. You must create a script with the logic below:

//configures the initial date’s day
Browser1.Query.startDay = GetDay(initial_date)
//configures the final date’s day
Browser1.Query.finalDay = GetDay(final_date)
//configures the final date’s year
Browser1.Query.finalYear = GetYear(final_date)

In the example, intial_date and final_date are the RAM tags used for saving the dates set up by the user.



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