KB-14572: Error: Table structure can’t be generated in the Database.


After configuring the fields, the data server (Access), and table name in a historic, I click Generate Table and the following error message is displayed:

    Table structure (title of the error window)
    Table structure cannot be generated in the Database.

The following message was returned by the Database:

    ErrorLocal = Create Table Error
    Error #0x80004005
    Description: Excessive number of fields defined
   (Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine)
   (SQL State: 0190)
   (NativeError: -68092944)

How can I fix this?


Access databases accept a maximum of 255 fields. This means E3’s historic will accept no more than 127 fields (127 fields + 127 quality fields + 1 E3Timestamp). In this example, you will have to split the historic in two (2 tables).

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