The E3 Viewer can be accessed via command line as follows:
Viewer [server_name] [options]
The server_name argument stands for the name of the computer where the E3 Server is running. If this argument is not informed, a dialog box is displayed requesting the application’s server path.
The command line configuration options are:
PARAMS option
The values passed in this option can be retrieved via scripts by using the Viewer Params property.
All values return as strings. For example, if the Viewer’s command line contains the following parameters
Viewer -params Language=ENU
You can use the following code to check the Viewer’s initialization language
Sub InitialScreen_OnStartRunning()
if Application.Params(“Language”)=”ENU”
Item(“Text1”).Value = “English (USA)”
Item(“Text1”).Value = “Unknown Lanaguage”
End if
End Sub
The key’s string doesn’t differentiate between lower and upper case (that is, “language” and “Language” are read the same way), but the return values (especially if used with a Select command) do.
E3 WebViewer
When installing the E3 WebViewer, the e3web.asp, e3web2.asp, docwrite.asp, docwrite2.asp, and files are available to be configured by the user.
You can change docwrite2.asp‘s source-code to meet the desired settings by using the parameters below:
Description | Param name | Value |
Domain | Domain | Server name |
Initial Screen | Screen | Screen name |
Enable ping | Ping | True or False |
Cache directory | cachepath | Directory |
Other servers | useservers | True or False |
Viewer Only | StartReadOnly | True or False |
Parameters | Params | Param1=Value1 Param2=Value2 … |
var conteudo = "< object classid='clsid:7EB4D157-FACC-45BB-9536-C14B9DCE3CA7'"; conteudo += " width='100%' height='100%'>"; var domain = ""; conteudo += '< PARAM NAME="Domain" VALUE=" ' + domain + '">'; conteudo += '< PARAM NAME="Screen" VALUE="">'; conteudo += '< PARAM NAME="CachePath" VALUE="">'; conteudo += '< PARAM NAME="Ping" VALUE="0">'; conteudo += '< PARAM NAME="StartReadOnly" VALUE="FALSE">'; conteudo += '< PARAM NAME="Params" VALUE="Param1=Valor1 Param2=Valor2 Param3=Valor3">'; conteudo += '< /object>'; document.write(conteudo);
- Create a Viewer shortcut connecting to the local server on a screen other than the initial one.
- Set up a Viewer shortcut that passes three different parameters. All these parameters must be on the initial page, in displays.
- Set up the docwrite2.asp file to make the application open on a specific screen on Viewer Only mode.