Problems when creating an ODBC data source in a 64-bit computer.


When creating an ODBBC source in Windows 64 bits, not all drivers are listed, nor can I establish communication with the ones that do appear on the list. How can I work around this issue?


This happens when the ODBC source’s wizard starts at the following menu: Control Panel–Administrative Tools–ODBC Data Source. This shortcut corresponds to the following executable: “C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe”. When you try to create a data source there, you will have:

To fix this, you must execute the wizard at “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe”. Then, when trying to add a data source, you will have:

Please notice that in this case, the number of available drivers is considerably larger.

To help locating this wizard the next times you use the computer, we suggest you create a shortcut with the correct executable at a proper location in your computer.

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