In the body of a section report of Elipse E3, how can I print the start and end dates of a query filter?
To do so, follow these procedures:
- In the Viewer, create two internal tags (StartDate and EndDate) to store the value of the setpoins with the start and the end dates on screen.
- In the script generating the report, assign the value of the setpoints (StartDate and EndDate) to the tags previously created in the Viewer.
- In the report, add two datafields at PageHeader section.
- Add a script to the report editor to pass the values of the previously created tags to the datafields’s Value property, as seem below:
- Sub ActiveReport_ReportStart
- dim Application = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Reports.E3ApplicationLink"))
- Application.LinkWithApplication(rpt)
- Me.Label1.Value = Application.GetViewerValue("StartDate")
- Me.TextBox1.Value = Application.GetViewerValue("EndDate")
- End Sub