How can I open a Viewer from another E3 server via a Viewer that is already open?
To do so, you can use the Execute application pick to select the E3Viewer.exe, and pass the parameters to open the Viewer. The possible parameters can be checked via -help syntax.
When clicking the button at run time, the following window will be displayed:
Then, pick a command to open the Viewer. In the example below, we selected a Viewer Only from Fernando server:
This can also be done via scripts at run time, by selecting which server and which commands (arguments) will be used to open the Viewer:
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Server, Arg, Path
Server = InputBox ( "Which server will be used to open the Viewer?", "Select Server", "\\Fernando")
If Server = "" Then Exit Sub
Arg = InputBox ( "Which commands are used to open the Viewer?", "Select commands", "-readonly, -noping, -screen , -help" )
If Arg = "" Then Exit Sub
Path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Elipse Software\Elipse Power\Bin\E3Viewer.exe"
Application.ExecuteExternalApp Path, Server&" "&Arg, "", 1
End Sub