Can E3Alarm connect to an Alarm Server from a remote domain, which allows alarms from other domains to be visualized and acknowledged?
Yes. To use remote alarms, you must add an E3Alarm for each domain server in the application. At E3Alarm’s AlarmServer property, you must provide the name of the Alarm Server with the following syntax: DOMAIN:AlarmServer, where “DOMAIN” is the alias given to the remote domain in the remote domains’ settings, and “AlarmServer” is the name of the server application’s Alarm Server.
When acknowledging alarms via remote domains, permission is always checked by the user registered in the client remote domain’s settings. Thus, it must be used by a user that is in the referred remote domain.

In the alarm’s event, the name of the user responsible for acknowledging via remote domains has a prefix that identifies this was acknowledged in another domain. The prefix is the name of the domain (no extension) to which the Viewer is connected. Therefore, if the domain “C:\folder\supervisory.dom” has a Viewer whose user “matt” is logged and connected to a remote domain, the alarms that were remotely acknowledged will be displayed as having been acknowledged by “supervisory\matt“.
NOTE: This option has been available since version 3.1 build 68.