KB-38450: Creating an animation with several figures.


How can I create an animation with several figures?


To do so, go to E3Studio and follow these procedures:

  1. Insert the figures into Resources.
  2. Rename those figures, removing extensions, accents and spaces.
  3. Insert a Demo Tag in the Viewer and set up Maximum (number of figures) and Type = 4 (ramp up) properties.
  4. Insert a Figure object on screen, and then close the screen that will open.
  5. Create table link between the Figure’s FileName property and the Demo Tag’s Value property.
  6. In the Figure’s Min and Max fields, write 0 – 1, 1 – 2, 2 – 3, and so on, up until the total number of figures.
  7. In the Figure’s Value field, write the name of the figures inserted into Resources.

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Thoughts on “KB-38450: Creating an animation with several figures.

  1. Hello Yamimura. Can you please post your doubt in this article? I passed your video suggestion for the responsible department, but I can help until it’s ready.

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