How can I change E3Browser’s row color via double click, similarly to what happens in an alarms acknowledgment system?
To acknowledge alarms, it is recommended that you use E3Alarm instead, which already has an interface for this sort of operation.
However, if you are already using a more complex system, the solution would be:
1. First, add a field to the Historic, which will be the Ack column. Use an internal tag as this field’s source; its value must be fixed, and it will refer to the text to be displayed for unacknowledged alarms (Ex.: “Not OK”);
2. A query must be added to the screen. It will change the value in Ack field according to its date/time:
SET Ack = “OK”
WHERE E3TimeStamp = # < % VarTime % > #
Then, it will change the value in Ack field to “OK” when the row is double-clicked.
3. Add a script to E3Browser’s OnDblClick event, where the following query will be executed:
set query = Screen.Item(“Query1”)
query.SetVariableValue “VarTime”, GetColumnValue(0)
‘The variable sets which row must be changed, and since when (in this example).
‘Consider that date/time is not to be repeated
4. Add a script to E3Browser’s OnDrawRow event to change the row’s color:
if GetColumnValue(n) = “OK” then
RowBackColor = RGB(255,0,0)
end if
Where “n” is Ack‘s column number.