Why is a Query’s filter using the LIKE clause not working when typing just a part of the word to be filtered? For example, when typing “tag”, only the word “tag” is displayed, but tag001, tag002, etc., are not displayed.
To check every message which has a certain word, you must place it between two percent signs ( % ). For example, on a Query where the variable’s name is var, and Text1 is the Display where the word to be filtered was inserted, you must write the following:
filtervar = “%” & Screen.Item(“Text1”).Value & “%”
set query = Screen.Item(“E3Browser1”).Item(“Query1”)
query.SetVariableValue “var”, filtervar
set query = Screen.Item(“E3Browser1”).Item(“Query1”)
query.SetVariableValue “var”, filtervar
Below, you can see the available filters for the Query:
- LIKE ‘A%’ All messages starting by A
- LIKE ‘%A%’ All messages containing A
- LIKE ‘_NG’ All messages starting with any character followed by NG
- LIKE ‘[AF]%’ All messages starting by A or F
- LIKE ‘[A-F]%’ All messages starting by any letter between A and F
- LIKE ‘[A^B]%’ All messages starting by A where the second character is not B