How can save (via E3) a movie with audio recorded by a webcam with a microphone?
Install in your computer an ActiveX called VideoOCX, which supports a webcam with audio. Add this ActiveX onto your screen and insert the script below in a button’s Click() event:
Application.ShowFilePicker False,var ‘This step opens the window to save the file.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).Init() ‘This step initializes VideoOCX1.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1″).AVISaveMovieInit( var&”.avi”) ‘This step saves the video as “test” in AVI format.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).Audio=true ‘This step enables audio capture by the video.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).AVISaveMovieShowAudioDlg() ‘This step opens a dialog for audio set-up (format, size, etc)
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).AVISaveMovieShowCompressionDlg() ‘This step opens a dialog for video set-up (format, size, etc)
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).SetPreview(true) ‘This step sets video preview on screen.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).AVISaveMovieStart() ‘This step starts recording the movie.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).Init() ‘This step initializes VideoOCX1.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1″).AVISaveMovieInit( var&”.avi”) ‘This step saves the video as “test” in AVI format.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).Audio=true ‘This step enables audio capture by the video.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).AVISaveMovieShowAudioDlg() ‘This step opens a dialog for audio set-up (format, size, etc)
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).AVISaveMovieShowCompressionDlg() ‘This step opens a dialog for video set-up (format, size, etc)
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).SetPreview(true) ‘This step sets video preview on screen.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).AVISaveMovieStart() ‘This step starts recording the movie.
To stop recording, use the following script in another button’s Click() event:
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).AVISaveMovieStop() ‘ Stops recording..
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).AVISaveMovieClose() ‘Closes the camera image on screen.
Screen.Item(“VideoOCX1”).AVISaveMovieClose() ‘Closes the camera image on screen.
Attached to this case is a sample application with VideoOCX ready to be installed. This ActiveX is not free of charges; it will work on test mode for a while, and after that it will expire.
NOTE: Elipse Software supplies only the support for ActiveX objects inside Elipse E3. Its purchase and registration are the user’s responsibility.