Can I filter alarms in E3Alarm by more than one area?
Yes, you can do it either by a specific area or by multiple areas. Usually, areas whose names start with the same text specified in the filter are displayed. For example, if your filter is “Bo”, it is possible to see the alarms from the areas “Boilers” and “Board1”.
In addition, you can use the character “:” (colon) as a separator to apply multiple filters, as long as SimpleAreaFilter property is FALSE. Example: “Area1:Area2:Area9”.
You can also use wild cards if SimpleAreaFilter property is FALSE. Valid characters are:
“*“: accepts no or any number of characters
“?“: accepts any character
“#“: accepts any digit
“[ ]“: allows you to specify a set of characters.
- “[ab]“: accepts either “a” or “b”
- “[f-h]“: accepts characters between “f” and “h” “
- “[!cz]“: accepts all characters, except “c” or “z”
- “[!m-p]“: accepts no characters between “m” and “p”
Via E3Studio:
When inserting an E3Alarm onto screen, set up AreaFilter property with the name of the desired alarm area. Alternatively, you can also right-click the E3Alarm and access its properties on General tab, Filter by alarm area option.
At runtime:
To change the alarm area at runtime via scripts, just pass a string with the name of the desired alarm area to E3Alarm‘s AreaFilter property.
Demo script (used in a button):
Sub CommandButton6_Click() opt = Application.SelectMenu("Analog|Digital") Select Case opt Case 1 Screen.Item("E3Alarm1").AreaFilter = "AreaAnalog" Case 2 Screen.Item("E3Alarm1").AreaFilter = "AreaDig" End Select End Sub