How to use an E3Chart in the Section Report.

This article shows how to use an E3Chart, an Elipse E3 object developed by Elipse Software, in a Section Report.


There are some specifics when creating an E3Chart in a Section Report that sets it apart from an E3Chart in an application. In an application, the E3Chart can plot charts and retrieve real-time, historic, and mixed data. But in a Section Report, on the other hand, you won’t be able to use real-time data.

In addition, you can set up the E3Chart according to the user’s preferences, and its properties can be accessed via Elipse E3 scripts. Note however that you can’t access any Section Report’s objects externally. This means that, when creating a Section Report via application, you won’t be able to access its properties nor its objects via scripts. Therefore, the objects’ settings, including the E3Chart’s, can only be accessed directly in E3Studio or in the report’s events. The exceptions are E3Chart and Query objects. Their configurations can only take place directly at E3Studio or via Elipse E3 scripts.


The most common application for an E3Chart in a Section Report is to create a historic chart that displays in the application’s screen. To do so, follow these procedures:

  • In the E3Chart inserted onto screen, confirm the existence of any historic data (for mixed and/or historic pens).
  • Add an E3Chart to the Section Report. Notice you will add the E3Chart at Detail section to the section report, but then you will need to move so it doesn’t repeat itself when printing the section report.
  • Create the following script in the event that loads the section report for printing or visualization:
  1. Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  2. Set Report = Application.LoadReport("RelatorioSecaoGrafico")
  3. Set chart = Report.Item("E3Chart1")
  4. chart.CopyConfig(Screen.Item("E3Chart1"))
  5. chart.LoadData()
  6. Report.PrintPreview()
  7. End Sub
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set Report = Application.LoadReport("RelatorioSecaoGrafico")
Set chart = Report.Item("E3Chart1")
End Sub

Thus, you will develop this script according to the settings in your application. Then, you will visualize the chart with the same data on the screen, and it will also look the same.

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