Formulas in Elipse E3: An Introduction.

This resource stores and transfers a value set to a variable set. It works similarly to Elipse SCADA’s recipes. They comprise:

Templates: these are the formula’s fields; they can be restricted.
Units: these are sets of the variables that are connected to the fields.
Values: these are value sets that will be transferred to the units.

To insert the Formula module into your application, follow these procedures:

  1. Right-click the project and select Insert–Formula to add this item to the project.
  2. Double-click it to open the Formula configuration wizard. On the first window, type the name of the table where the Formula data will be stored and select the database server.
  3. Create templates and set up their names, field type, and restrictions. On the restriction window, you will be able to set up the limit types for each field.
  4. On the next window, create units and set up their field variables.
  5. Then, create value sets and set up their fields’ values.

Now your Formula is fully set up and ready to be used.

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