KB-59001: Comparing a string inside another one.
Question: Does Elipse SCADA have any function similar to VBScript’s InStr command (used in E3), which returns an integer specifying the occurrence’s start position of a string inside another one?…
Question: Does Elipse SCADA have any function similar to VBScript’s InStr command (used in E3), which returns an integer specifying the occurrence’s start position of a string inside another one?…
Guilherme Torres
Question: When using Elipse SCADA, can Excel files be opened, saved, and closed via scripts? Solution: Yes; this is possible via ShellExecute function, which is found in the Global Manager…
Question: How can the number of characters in a .TXT file be retrieved? Solution: To do so, there are two possibilities (both via scripts): 1st: TxtFile = ReadFromFile(“Address_File.txt”) Number_of_Characters…
Mateus Machado
Question I want to use the FindFirstFile function to search for a file, passing as a parameter only a part of the filename. Is it possible? Solution Yes, it is.…
Mateus Machado
Guilherme Taschetto
Question: How can I record the name of the user logged into an Elipse SCADA application in a text file (*.txt)?Solution: To do so, just write the application’s userName attribute,…
Question: How can I display a message when the login is incorrect? Solution: To do so, you must use a script that tests if the Application’s useName attribute contains any…