KB-13068: Exporting historic data.
Question: How can I export historic data which can be accessed by other programs, like Excel and Access? Solution: To do so, there are two possibilities: Create a Text Report…
Question: How can I export historic data which can be accessed by other programs, like Excel and Access? Solution: To do so, there are two possibilities: Create a Text Report…
Question: When is a Boolean tag’s OnValueChanged event fired? Can I run a script that fires it only when its value changes from 0 to 1, but not otherwise? Solution:…
Question: What is NetHASP? How can I use it? Solution: NetHASP is a hardkey for operating on network level. Its main difference from a regular hardkey is the color: NetHASP…
Question: How can I print a screen? Solution: The following example illustrates how to print the current screen with a button click. First of all, you will need to create…
Question: Can I move my application to another computer? Solution: Yes. To do so, follow these procedures: Install the same SCADA version in the new computer. Make sure the new…
Question: Can I issue commands via WEB plug-in? Solution: No. Elipse SCADA’s WEB plug-in only allows you to monitor a screen opened in the server via internet, which means web…
Question: When attempting to install SCADA, the following error window is displayed: What does it mean? Solution: DAO stands for Data Access Object, an API enabling communication between database management…
Question:How can I create a report formatted with historical data?Solution:Since formatted reports have no queries, you must create dynamical fields manually and set up the amount of records the report will display, because the number…
Renato Souza
Question: How can I export an alarms table to Excel format? Solution: To do so, create a text report and set it up to retrieve data from the alarms’ *.dat…
Question: How can I generate a daily historic file? Solution: To do so, follow these procedures: Create an expression tag and retrieve Day attribute from the Global Manager. On this…