Sample application: Using Matrix Tags.
Sample application showing how to use Matrix Tags, as well as their functions. Attachments:
Sample application showing how to use Matrix Tags, as well as their functions. Attachments:
Attached to this article are the necessary files for developing the application in Elipse SCADA’s Tutorial. Attachments:
Question: How can the values in a Setpoint be limited? Solution: Go to the SetPoint’s Properties page, General tab, and set the options Limits (Minimum and Maximum).
You can keep this feature from happening via a OnKeyPressCtrlF4 key script. To do so, go to Organizer, select Application, and then open Scripts tab. Click New…, the select OnKeyPress…
Question: How can I have a button be visible or invisible according to the access level of the user logged in the application? Solution: To do so, create a script…
Question: Does Browser object have any kind of scrollbars? Solution: No. One way to work around this problem is by clicking a register and then dragging it up/down, or then…
Question: Is it possible to mask the values being typed on a setpoint, and have asterisks be displayed instead? Solution: There are no properties or functions in the SetPoint that…
Question: Why are Block or I/O Tag’s values (separated by a dot and recorded in a Historic) not being plotted in a Historic Graph? Solution: This happens because, depending on…
Question: Does Trend Graph object in SCADA have any type of refresh time? Solution: Yes: on Trend’s General tab, there is an option called Refresh Trend every X seconds.
Question: Can a real-time Trend Graph’s scrolling be paused and played in SCADA? Solution: Yes; to do so, you must use the Trend’s Frozen property, attributing values 1 to when…