KB-19378: Showing the value of the pen being plotted by E3Chart.
Question: How can I show in a display the value of the pen being plotted in E3Chart? Solution: To do so, you must add E3Chart‘s GetCursorPos(x,y) method to a script…
Question: How can I show in a display the value of the pen being plotted in E3Chart? Solution: To do so, you must add E3Chart‘s GetCursorPos(x,y) method to a script…
Question: How can two dates from two different sources be compared to each other? Solution: To do so, you must use CDate() command to format the dates before they are…
Question: How can I disable the writing and reading of all the tags in a folder inside an I/O driver? Solution: To do so, you must use the Deactivate() method…
Question: How can I record as alarms the commands executed by E3 users? For instance, when a user is logged onto the application and clicks the button for activating the…
Question: Can Application.Exit() method be also used in a data server’s script? Solution: No. Application.Exit() is a Viewer‘s method, which means that scripts in the server will not be able…
Question: How can I reset a Counter Tag? Solution: To do so, you must first make sure the tag’s ResetCounterWhenEnable is set as True. Then, add a script to disable…
Question: How can I open two windowed screens from a button? Solution: To do so, use the following script: Application.GetFrame(“Screen1”).MoveFrame 0, 0, 300, 300Application.GetFrame(“Screen1”).OpenScreen “Screen1?100?0”, CLng(0)Application.GetFrame(“Screen2”).MoveFrame 450, 0, 300, 300Application.GetFrame(“Screen2”).OpenScreen…
Question: How can I check or disable a menu option in SelectMenu method? Solution: To check an option, add an asterisk (*) before the option. To disable an option, add…
Question: Can I create a global variable in an object’s script that will be accepted by all other project’s script? Solution: No, there is no command that can do so…
Question: How can I create a table link in runtime via scripts? Solution: To do so, you must first use CreateLink method to create the link, and pass parameter “4”…