Figure 11
The ComboBox object displays/hides a list of items configured by the user. To fill the list we use OnStartRunning event.
Sub ComboBox1_OnStartRunning()
‘Fill ComboBox
AddItem “January”
AddItem “February”
AddItem “March”
End Sub
1. Create a ComboBox on screen and fill it with all the days of the week.
2. Insert a DataBase object in the project and configure it.
3. Create 3 internal tags named: red, green and blue.
4. Insert a Formula object that keeps a color’s amount of red, green and blue. Use the internal tags to load and save the values of the formula. Register at least 4 colors.
5. Fill in the ComboBox with all the registered colors. (Use GetFormulaValueDataObj method from the Viewer)
6. Create a new button on screen to input a new value in the formula. Write the name of the new color in an InputBox. The input value must appear in the ComboBox.
7. Create a button to remove the selected color from the formula’s ComboBox. Only the erased color must be removed from the ComboBox.
Figure 12
A ListBox object is similar to a ComboBox, and displays a list of items configured by the user. To fill this list we use OnStartRunning Event.
Sub ListBox1_OnStartRunning()
‘Fill ListBox
AddItem “Monday”
AddItem “Tuesday”
AddItem “Wednesday”
End Sub
1. Create a ListBox on screen e fill it with all the days of the week.
2. Display on a message box the name of the selected day.