KB-19080: Adding fields to alarms to record extra information.
Question: How can I add fields to alarms so that the query to Alarms table returns the values from alarms, plus the values from the added field? Solution: To do…
Question: How can I add fields to alarms so that the query to Alarms table returns the values from alarms, plus the values from the added field? Solution: To do…
Question: How can I play a sound file whenever the alarm is active? Solution: To do so, you must create a new event in the Viewer with this property/expression: AlarmServer1.ActiveNACKAlarms…
Question: At run time, how can I tell if the variable is communicating with the device or not? Solution: To do so, use the tag’s Quality property. If this property’s…
Question: What is the XControl/XObject’s Constructor event for? Solution: This event is executed whenever the object starts. You can use this event to run a script starting an XControl’s internal values,…
Question: In a new domain, how can I use a library that had been developed in another project? Solution: To do so, copy the *.LIB file into the folder of…
Descrição: Como posso calcular a média de um tag que vem do histórico dentro de uma faixa de data/hora inicial/final? Solução: Para isto, utilize a função Average. Average (src, type,…
Aplicação exemplo realizando comunicação básica via OPC. No arquivo em anexo a este artigo, encontram-se as aplicações servidora e cliente. Atenção: lembre-se de configurar o endereço de rede da máquina…
Question: In Elipse E3, is there any property/attribute similar to Elipse SCADA‘s Realscan? Solution: No, this property/attribute does not exist in E3. In this case, the tags are scanned in…
Question: How can I export an application’s tags? Solution: Via E3Studio, select the Export option by right-clicking each driver in the application. achat cialis canada
Para criar um sistema básico de login de usuários no Elipse SCADA, é necessário primeiramente que os usuários tenham sido criados. Para isto, basta abrir o Organizer e, no menu…