Assigning values to an E3Chart Y axis scale in the report.


How can I assign maximum and minimum values to an E3Chart‘s Y axis in a Section Report in Elipse E3?


You can do this via scripts (the same script loading the report). To do so, access the VerScaleBegin and VerScaleEnd properties of the E3Chart in the Section Report.


  1. Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  2. Set Report = Application.LoadReport("RelatorioSecao1")
  3. Set chart = Report.Item("E3Chart1")
  4. chart.VerScaleBegin = 110
  5. chart.VerScaleEnd = -10
  6. Report.PrintPreview()
  7. End Sub
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set Report = Application.LoadReport("RelatorioSecao1")
Set chart = Report.Item("E3Chart1")
chart.VerScaleBegin = 110
chart.VerScaleEnd = -10
End Sub


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