How can I format the report’s data field so it displays time values higher than 24 hours, since [h]:mm:ss format does not show any hour values?
For versions equal to or higher than v. 3.5 b. 174, to format the date/time, the report’s DataField property must be set up like this:
=E3Globals.E3Format(Field, “[h]:mm:ss” )
For versions lower than v. 3.5 b. 174, use the solution below:
To do so, go to DataField property in the report’s datafield and add the following expression:
=CStr((Field*24*60*60)\(60*60)) &”:”& Cstr(((Field*24*60*60)\60) mod 60) &”:”& Cstr((Field*24*60*60) mod 60)
Therefore, the value displayed in the report will look like this: [h]:m:s
NOTE: Substitute Field for the name of the field set up in the report’s query.
Attached to this article is a demo application that illustrates how to sum hours in the fields, and then print them in the report.