How can I create restrictions so that screen browsing obey a sequential order with buttons Advance and Return?
To perform these commands, you must first create an Internal Tag in the Viewer to store the names of each screens when browsing.
After all screens have been created, you must add a script at each screen’s OnPreShow event to store the screen name in the internal tag previously created.
Script example:
Sub ScreenA_OnPreShow(Arg)
Application.Item(“CurrentScreen”).Value = Name
End Sub
Next, insert the buttons that will perform browsing commands on the screens (Advance and Return buttons).
In these buttons’ scripts, use a Case command to monitor the internal tag’s Value property, checking which screen is being displayed at the moment. From this, you can establish a command line, limiting which screen will be displayed considering the current screen.
Script example:
Case “ScreenA”
Application.GetFrame(“Lower”).OpenScreen(“Panel1.ScreenB”), 0
Case “ScreenB”
Application.GetFrame(“Lower”).OpenScreen(“Panel1.ScreenC”), 0
Case “ScreenC”
Application.GetFrame(“Lower”).OpenScreen(“Panel1.ScreenD”), 0
Case “ScreenD”
Application.GetFrame(“Lower”).OpenScreen(“Panel1.ScreenE”), 0
Case “ScreenE”
Application.GetFrame(“Lower”).OpenScreen(“Panel1.ScreenA”), 0
The sample application below shows all the resources mentioned in this article.