KB-28261: Monitoring links between Remote Domains.


How can I detect when a Remote Domain is down via XObject? 


To do so, follow these procedures:

1. Create an XObject, and insert three properties in it: Quality (Integer), Status (Boolean) and PLCTag (I/O Tag).

2. In the XObject, create a Data Folder, and insert an internal tag named Quality into it.

3. Set up the Quality internal tag’s Value properties as Integer.

4. Create a simple link between the Quality internal tag’s Value property and the XObject’s PLCTag’s Value property .

5. Create a reverse link between the Quality internal tag’s Quality property and the XObject’s Quality property.

6. Write the following script in the OnPropertyChanged event of the XObject’s Quality property:

 if Quality < 192 then
  STATUS = false
  STATUS = true
 end if

7. Create an XObject’s instance in the Project and link its PLCTag property to a Remote Domain’s I/O Tag, without selecting any property of the remote I/O Tag.

8. The variation of the XObject’s instance’s Status property will be used to indicate the Remote Domain’s behavior: if False, the connection to the Remote Domain is bad; if True, the connection to the Remote Domain is OK.

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