KB-26933: Modal screen won’t close.
Question: Why can’t I close a certain modal screen after opening another modal screen from it? Solution: This is the system’s normal behavior. To close the first modal screen, you…
Question: Why can’t I close a certain modal screen after opening another modal screen from it? Solution: This is the system’s normal behavior. To close the first modal screen, you…
Question: How can I change the script’s font size? Solution: To do so, go to the script edition area, and execute one of the following actions: either press [Ctrl] key…
Question: Can I create Historic fields at run time? Solution: No, you can’t. To add fields to a Historic at run time, you can create an XObject containing a Historic.…
Question: Which of the options below is the best choice? using an OPC Client with 20 I/O Tags linked to an OPC Server; or using 20 OPC Clients, each with…
Question: Why are acknowledged alarms reactivated when restarting the Domain? Solution: This is the correct system’s behavior. When restarting the Domain, the alarms that were previously active keep this status,…
Question: How can I disable the access to the Viewer in the machine executing the E3Server? Solution: To do so, set up the Viewer Groups in the application domain options…
Guilherme Taschetto
Question: Why is E3Viewer not connecting to the server after the antivirus has been installed? Solution: The antivirus has probably blocked the access port (6515) between E3Viewer and the server.…
Question: How can I change the color of an E3Chart’s pens at run time? Solution: To do so, you must create a script using E3 Viewer’s ShowPickColor method to set…
Question: In a HotStandBy application with two databases to record the same data (one in the main computer, and another one in the secondary computer), is there synchronism between DBs?…