KB-34288: Rotating screen objects.


How can screen objects rotate?


To do so, there are two possibilities (via E3Studio):

A) Select the object to be animated, click the Rotation Slider button, and create a link on the object’s Value property with a tag (variable).

B) Link the object’s Width and X properties as explained below:
– Create a simple link between Width property of the object to be animated and a demo tag.
– Create a simple link in the object’s X property: Width – (Data.Animation2.Value) + 5811


  • Width: sets the object’s width.
  • Data.Animation2.Value: RampUpDown tag whose maximum variation is equal to the width of the object where the link is.
  • 5811: value of X property of the object where the link is.


  • On option A, the object rotates like a clock.
  • On option B, it simulates the rotation of a mixer.

Attached to this object is a sample application developed with E3 v. 3.5 build 346 that presents both cases described above.



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