KB-31253: Alarm acknowledgment only when there is a user logged in.


How can I set up the alarms to only allow their acknowledgment when there is a user logged in the application?


To do so, there are two options:

1.  In the Studio, by clicking File–Users option, the User Permissions window will open, where you can allow users to access the application’s objects. First, select the Alarms object on the right side of the window, and, on the left side, select the users that you want to allow acknowledging alarms or not. Then, on the Permissions frame, you must enable the user to acknowledge alarms (yes = green symbol; not = red symbol).

NOTE: A problem occurs if all users are allowed to acknowledge alarms, where even the user that is not logged in can acknowledge them. To solve this problem, you must create at least one user that does not have this permission, which makes sure that users are not able to acknowledge alarms if they are not logged in. 

2. Disable the alarm’s AllowAckAll, AllowAckCurrentFilter and AllowAckSelect properties (FALSE), and then, in the button where the user logs in, insert a script to make the disabled properties (FALSE) become enabled (TRUE).


If Application.Login(true) then
Screen.Item(“E3Alarm1”).AllowAckAll = true
Screen.Item(“E3Alarm1”).AllowAckCurrentFilter = true
Screen.Item(“E3Alarm1”).AllowAckSelected = true
End If

If there is a Logout button, just do the opposite of the Login button, disabling the properties (FALSE).

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