KB-30308: Using the ElseIf clause in a script.
Question: How can I use the “ElseIf” clause in a script? Solution: To do so, just insert it into an “If”‘s loop. For example: If condition == “value”ActionElseIf condition2 ==…
Question: How can I use the “ElseIf” clause in a script? Solution: To do so, just insert it into an “If”‘s loop. For example: If condition == “value”ActionElseIf condition2 ==…
Mateus Machado
Question:Can I extract a ZIP file via scripts? Solution: Yes, you can. For example: ‘ZIP file to be extracted:pathToZipFile=”C:\Folder1\MyZIPfile.zip” ‘Folder of destination:extractTo=”C:\Folder2\”‘Tests if the file existsset fso2 = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)if fso2.FileExists(pathToZipFile)…
Question: Can I close a computer’s process via E3? Solution: Yes. To do so, you must write a script. For example: ProcessName = “notepad.exe”PID = 2536Set service = GetObject(“winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2”)‘Closes the…
Question: How can I configure a SetPoint to be opened with the current time? Solution: To do so, you must create a script in the setpoint’s OnStartRunning event, and attribute to…
Question: How does Set command help enhance a script’s performance? Solution: In addition to improving the organization and making it easier to analyze scripts, Set command optimizes the script’s performance…
Question: At run time, how can I retrieve the DPI of a screen open in an E3Viewer? Solution: To do so, you must write a script similar to the example…
Question: At run time, how can I retrieve the resolution of an open screen in an E3Viewer? Solution: To do so, you must write a script similar to the one…
Question: How can I open a CHM file by setting a certain topic via E3? Solution: To do so, you must use the Viewer’s ExecuteExternalApp method. For example: Application.ExecuteExternalApp “hh.exe”,…
Question: Which is the VBScript’s version used on E3? Solution: E3 uses the version that is installed in the computer (C:\WINDOWS\system32\wscript.exe). Via E3, you can retrieve the version of VBScript…